@school Would or wood. Leaf, leave or leaves. Year 4
Classroom Keystage 2-English - Literacy - Word Level - Word Recognition - Word Recognition

[ To answer the questions please circle the correct answer or fill in the blank spaces ]

KS2 Year 4. Word level work.

Words that sound the same.

Complete these sentences by typing in the correct word. Choose from one of the words in the brackets.

1.    Gary likes to play in the  [___________________]  .  (would, wood)

2.    Where  [___________________]  you like to go this afternoon.  (would, wood)

3.    The second pig used [___________________]  to build his house.  (wood, would)

4.    I  [___________________]  love to go to the park.  (wood, would)

5.    I  [___________________]  love to go to the  [___________________]  and watch the
       birds.  (wood, would)

6.    Barry kicked the  [___________________]  into a pile.  (leaf, leaves, leave)

7.    Please  [___________________]  through the exit.  (leaf, leaves, leave)

8.    The tiny hedgehog was asleep in the  [___________________]  .  (leaf, leaves, leave)

9.    Fergus made a  [___________________]  rubbing during his art
       class.  (leaf, leaves, leave)

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