@school Magnets 2
Classroom Keystage 2-Science - Physical Processes - Forces & Motion - Magnets and Springs

[ To answer the questions please circle the correct answer or fill in the blank spaces ]


There are forces between magnets. Magnets can attract and can repel.

Attract means pull towards and Repel means push away from.

Look at the following magnets that are being pushed end to end and choose whether they would attract or repel each other.

  [don't know, repel, attract, ]

  [repel, attract, don't know, ]

  [don't know, attract, repel, ]

  [attract, repel, don't know, ]

What does the S stand for?  [north pole, south pole, snowing pole, , ]

What does the N stand for?  [south pole, nice pole, north pole, ]

The Earth is a big magnet.  [false, true, ]

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