@school Speech Marks
Classroom Keystage 2-English - Literacy - Sentence Level - Punctuation

[ To answer the questions please circle the correct answer or fill in the blank spaces ]

Speech Marks
Can you re-write John and Paul's speech using speech marks? Go on, give it a try!

When we want to write what people or characters say, we sometimes use speech marks.
We only put what they say inside speech marks.
We often end speech with a comma (inside the speech marks), if the name of the person speaking comes after what they've said.
We always put a comma before the speech (outside the speech marks), if the person speaking comes before what they say.
For example,

John said, "No."
"Oh yes," replied Paul.

Your job is to look at the cartoon below and rewrite the conversation using speech marks in the space provided.

John said, [___________________________________]

[_______________________________________] ," replied Paul.

John asked, [_______________________________]

Paul answered, [___________________________________]

John said,  [______________________________]

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