@school The Ten Lepers
Classroom Keystage 2-RE - Christianity - Bible Stories

[ To answer the questions please circle the correct answer or fill in the blank spaces ]

The Ten Lepers

Jesus was visiting a village and came across a group of lepers. The ten men had the terrible disease called leprosy. Because the disease could be easily caught by other people, the men could not live at home and had to beg for food and had no money.

When the ten lepers saw Jesus they cried out to him for mercy. Jesus went over to them and told each of them to show themselves to the priests. In this way the priests would tell them whether they were healed from the disease and that they could go home to their families.

Each leper went to the priests and found that they were healed. They were all so excited and happy that they hurried of to see their family and friends to tell them the good news.

There was only one man who knew that it was Jesus who had made him better and decided to go back to Jesus to say thank you. When the man saw Jesus he knelt down before him, praising God. Jesus was pleased with him, but asked where the other nine men were.

The other men had forgotten to say thank you to Jesus. Jesus told the man to get up and go back to his family and to live a happy life.

How many lepers were there?  [__]

Where did Jesus tell them all to go?  [, to see a doctor, to see the priests, to pray to God, to beg some more]

What disease did the men have?  [, measles, blindness, deafness, leprosy]

How many men came back to say thanks to Jesus?  [_]

After they were healed where did the men go?  [, back to the streets, back to Jesus, back to their families, back to begging]

Now have a go at this activity.
What you need to do is click and drag the lepers in front of Jesus to see which leper came back to thank Jesus.
Follow the black lines to see where they lead.

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