@school Locating Information 3
Classroom Keystage 2-English - Literacy - Text Level - Non-Fiction

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Locating Information 3

Non-fiction (information) books have lots of different sections that help us find and understand the information we’re looking for.

A Glossary is always found at the back of the book but before the index pages. A glossary is like a mini-dictionary. It will give us the meaning of new and difficult words that we might read about in the book. The words in a glossary are arranged in alphabetical order.

Look at this Glossary from a book on Ants.


abdomen- the rear section of an ant’s body
antenna- the feeler on an ant’s head , used to detect odors, flavours and sounds
aphid- a tiny insect that eats the sap of plant roots, leaves and flowers
callow- a newly emerged ant, not entirely hardened or fully coloured
cocoon- a white covering spun by some ant pupae for protection
colony- an organized group of ants living together and sharing work duties
compound eyes- large eyes made of 6 to 1000 tiny lenses
crop- the ant’s “community” stomach. Ants share the food in this stomach with other ants in the colony
egg- the first stage in metamorphosis. Ant eggs are sticky, white and smaller than a pinhead
gaster- the rear section of an ant’s abdomen
hibernate- to spend the winter in an inactive state during which all the body functions slow down
larva- the second stage in metamorphosis. Ant larvae are white, legless grubs
mandibles- the two jaws on either side of the ant’s mouth, used for digging, carrying and fighting
maxillae- two smaller jaws used for chewing food
metamorphosis- the life cycle of an ant, in which the insect goes through four complete changes in form: egg, larva, pupa and adult
ocelli- small, simple eyes found on the heads of some ant species
pupa- the third stage in metamorphosis. Some ant pupae spin a cocoon around themselves in this stage
queen- the fertile female ant in a colony, capable of laying all the colony’s eggs
reproductive ants- ants able to mate and produce young. Only queens and males are capable of reproduction
soldier- a large, strong-jawed type of worker ant, especially suited for fighting
thorax- the middle section of an ant’s body, between the head and abdomen
worker- a small female ant that does all the work of the colony

1) What time of year do ants hibernate? [, spring, winter, summer]

2) What are mandibles? [, an ant’s nest, an ant’s legs, an ant’s jaws]

3) What is the name of the tiny insect that eats the sap of plant roots, leaves and flowers? [, aphid, ocelli, thorax]

4) In which part of a book would I find the Glossary page? [, beginning, end, middle]

5) What is a soldier ant particularly suited to? [, fighting, eating, building]

6) What kind of order is a Glossary arranged in? [, there is no particular order, by page number, by alphabetical order]

7) What is the name for the third stage in metamorphosis? [, larva, egg, pupa]

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