@school Rollerball
Classroom Keystage 2-PSHE - Parachute Activities - Parachute Ball Games

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Parachute Activities


With this game the children will learn how to work as a team and co-operate with each other.

A ball is placed on the parachute and the idea is to get the ball moving around the outer edge of the parachute with each child controlling their portion of the parachute.

The children will learn when to lift their edge and when to lower it to help the ball's travel.

The children stand around the edge of the parachute and hold the edge with both hands at waist height and once the ball is in play their job is to keep the ball moving and in the circle.

The teacher will need to explain which direction the ball is to travel i.e. clockwise or anti-clockwise.

The children will soon get the idea with practice.

A large ball, like a beach ball, works the best and is softer if it hits a head!

This game can be used with small children but you may need extra adults to help. Small children will need to practice crouching down and making a hill for the ball to travel down etc.

To extend this game children can stand, sit or kneel.

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