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Friday 19th April 2024

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Probability - Evens

There are some different coloured balls. The balls are placed in to a bag.
If John picks out of the bag a red ball he wins the game.
If Fiona picks out of the bag a blue ball she wins the game.

Look at these different sets of balls and say who has the best chance of winning the game either John or Fiona.
They only pick out one ball each.
Decide whether each set of balls is fair for the game.

Who would win?
Is the winner's chance of winning more than even, even or less than even?

Who would win?
Is the winner's chance of winning more than even, even or less than even?

Is the winner's chance of winning more than even, even or less than even?

What are John's chances of winning?
Who would win?

Why would this set of balls be unfair?

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