@school helps me with my homework.

Tuesday 30th April 2024

@school helps me with my homework.
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Parachute Activities

Bean Bags High

The players are divided into two teams. They stand in any order round the parachute with the teams mixed up.

Place on the parachute, spread around, three beans bags with the colours of one of the teams. Three more bean bags of the other team’s colour.

The players pickup the parachute and they are told that, when given the command “GO”, they will be shaking the parachute.

If a bean bag hits the ceiling, the team whose colour the bag is, will be given 1000 points.

If a bean bag hits the floor, its team will receive 500 points.

Bags which go on the floor are picked up and placed back onto the parachute.

If a bag hit the hole in the middle, that team loses all its points and has to start scoring again.

Someone will be needed to keep the score and decide whether bags have hit the ceiling or hit the hole in the middle.

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