@school helps me with my homework.

Saturday 20th April 2024

@school helps me with my homework.
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Parachute Activities

Reach the Middle

The players are divided into two teams. The two teams are mixed up round the edge of the parachute. Team B holds the parachute at waist level.

Team A have a soft ball which is passed along the line so that five different players touch it. The 5th. player try to throw the ball so it reaches the centre of the parachute. Team B shakes the parachute to make this more difficult.

Team A score a point if the ball reaches the centre.

Team A reclaims the balls and another member of the team aims for the centre. This goes on for two minutes.

Then the teams change places and Team B tries to get the ball to the centre during a time of two minutes.

The game ends when everyone has had a go at reaching the centre.

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