The KS2 Physical Education area is split into Games, Dance, Gymnastics, Athletics, Outdoor and Adventurous Activities, Swimming and Health & Safety.Learning about Physical Education is important for Key Stage 2 children as it helps them to understand the importance of exercise and the fun ways in which they can keep fit and healthy.
The Games area of this PE section includes many ideas for playground games, indoor and outdoor games, field games, card & dice games, relay games and water games. It also includes interactive games-related quizzes and interactive activities relating to different sports and games.
The Dance area includes information for Key Stage 2 learners on the history of different dances, a dance glossary, dance quiz and links to information on theatre, ballet and traditional dance resources.
The Gymnastics area is filled with information on different gymnastics activities as well as official gymnastics website such as The Official British Gymnastics Website, The Official British Gymnastics Junior Website and The Olympic Games Website.
The Swimming area of the KS2 Physical Education section teaches children about the different swimming styles including breast stroke, back crawl and front crawl. It also teaches them about safety in the water.
The Health and Safety area provides a wealth of information aimed at helping Key Stage 2 children to learn about healthy eating, fruit & vegetables, keeping fit, health problems, road safety and smoking. It also features an interactive quiz about first aid and information aimed at Key Stage 2 aged children about the importance of looking after themselves physically and socially.
The resources and activities in the KS2 Physical Education (PE) section are in an interactive, online, or printable format that brings a differing dynamic to the subject for children studying at Key Stage 2.
Sports Illustrated for Kids - Sporting information form the US magazine Sports Illustrated.Includes online sport games/